Emina - Bare With Me Loose Powder (Shade Light Beige) review!

Hi Bloggers! Been such a busy weeks, or months, perhaps.
Kali ini, pengen ngereview tentang Loose Powder nya Emina yang Bare With Me!
Speaking of loose powder, sampai saat ini belum nemu yang se-uhh (?) Marcks. Well, gue bukan typical orang yang suka pakai coverage bedak yang heboh. Two cake powder, compact powder, or anything similar with them, are really not my thing.
Jadi, loose powder is really my to go make up everyday! I'm not really into something too heavy to be worn daily on my face.

Soooooo.. I bought this powder di Kokas several days ago. Awalnya masuk ke store Emina cuma mau beli sunblock nya. Pas keluar store, sunblock nya ga kebeli, malah beli lipmatte 2 bijik, loose powder, peel off mask, sama lipscrub. Cih, wanita macam apa.

The Packaging

the box
With safe-to-use ingredients, Bare With Me Mineral gives a silk and natural finish that is safe for all skin type. Complement with oil absorbing ingredients, gives a shine free everyday. Available in 4 colors (Fair, Light Beige, Amber, Ebony)

The box serta wadah bedaknya sendiri sama-sama pink. You know gurls, packaging emina emang unyuk gitu. Jadi buat kamu yang banci packaging luchuk, I def recommend you this brand!
Wadahnya sendiri berbentuk bulat, I didn't get to take a picture of it but later bakal ada fotonya dalam kondisi kebuka sih..
Di boxnya sendiri ditulis ingredients, nomor bpom (well buat makeup setau gue ditulis NA-and followed with some numbers), expiry date, and of course shadenya sendiri.

The Product itself

Powdernya sendiri cenderung ada sedikit glitter, but not dat much. Bahkan di foto bawah aja ga keliatan kan. It doesn't have such smell, ya wangi-wangi standard lah ya..

It also comes with a sponge. Sponge nya lumayan kokoh yes (?) dan antara sponge sama bedak dibatas pakai mika yang bolong-bolong itu. Gatau namanya apa meh

Jorok ya gue..

The coverage is such a bomb, btw. I mean, lumayan nutup lah kalau dibanding my luvly Marcks. But I kinda dislike the fact that it's a bit hard for me to blend it. And somehow it's a bit cakey after few hours. Produk ini sendiri ngeklaim kalau "bisa menyerap minyak sehingga kulit wajah bebas kilap seharian", seriously it's written on the back of its box, but it's not at all. At first, maybe you will find your face a bit matte-in a good way-, but it'll slowly fade away, dan voila! minyak muke ya muncul-muncul aja. Jadi, mungkin lo harus siap sedia bedak ini di tas just in case mau touch up lagi sist!

Oh ya!
Setau gue, bedak ini punya twin dalam bentuk compact powder. Jadi kalau kalian yang lebih suka pakai compact, monggo bisa beli yang itu.

                                                                My Opinion

So the conclusions are.. 
I kinda impressed with its coverage. I mean it covers my acne scars dat well. This powder is also not that pricey too! I bought it for about IDR 52k. 
But I don't think I will buy this powder again bcs I don't like how it turns out to be cakey and quite difficult for me to blend in on my face. Terus bedak ini juga lumayan gampang ngeleber (OMG bahasa apa sih nih?!). Gue kerja di ruangan berAC. Gue selalu makai jas lab (since I'm workin on laboratory) dan setiap ga sengaja ngelap muka dikit doang ke bagian lengan, the powder was staining my coat. Jadi emang sist, kudu touch up terus yes. 
I wish they'll improve their formulas so it'll be not cakey.

Anyway, thankyou Emina for a nice journal! Pembelian diatas 200k dapat jurnal sho kyot loh gurls!
Dan kalau ga salah sampai akhir Januari ini, kalo kalian belanja diatas 150k, bisa dapet potongan 50k. Main aja ke store nya, pasti bakal ditawarin sama mbak BA nya.
And last but not least, you guys should try their lipscrub and lipmatte as well! I fell in love with them at the very first sight YAAAY shoooo good. I'll probably do a review about the lipscrub, kalo lagi ga males MEHEHEHEH. Karena yaLord cyiiiin, di draft masih banyak tulisan yang belum kelar. Rencananya mau update blog tentang trip ke Singapore bulan Desember 2017 kemarin. Tapi hati ini terbelah antara pengen namun males lol. But I will finish all of them in a mean time, so see you guys on the next post!

My rating : 3/5
Price : IDR 52k
Where to buy : KoKas
(Tokonya di deket XXI, fyi.)
Will I repurchase : Probably no.

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