Because this is my first life.


So, I officially hit my 26 this year. It's so funny how you desperately want to grow up quickly when you were a kid, but then after hitting 25 or more, you wish you could go back as a kid.

Quarter life crisis? Don't get me started. Those nights where I cried my hearts out, those thoughts where I feel like I'm not good enough rent free in my mind. Meh. At least when I was a kid, the only reason why I cried just because I didn't want to take a nap bcs I wanted to play with my mates lol.

You see, your friends went somewhere, their career, their life.. Some got married, some got kids, some just bought their first car, first home, or maybe second? Some started their first business, some travel places you've never been before, or live in a city you wish you'd be there. In short term, they're all look happy. And you're not. I mean.. I'm not.

They say, dream big. Turned out, dreams will always be dreams.

I'm 26 now, then what should I do next?


Am I already on the right track? Life seems stuck, it's going nowhere. 

They say, I need to get married soon, I'm a grown up. I'm getting way too old and apparently for today's society, there's an age limit for woman (but not for man). I'm scared with the idea of marriage. Can I be a good wife? Good mom?

But then again, this is my first life.

I neither have experience nor knowing whether this is right or wrong.

This is my first life. Maybe I'll do it better on my 2nd life.

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